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About our school in English


The school in Kaźmierz has been opened in 1629 as a parish school. The oldest school’s building is from the end of XIX century. Due to the celebration of the Millennium of the Polish State, the government made a commitment - 1000 schools for the Millennium. That is why in 1965 the second part of the school (a separate building) was build. In 2019 the third and the newest part of the school was put into use. Starting with September 2019 the school will have another, the fourth modern building, taken form Gimnazjum in Kaźmierz.

At present there are about 700 students, 69 teachers and 40 service workers at school. Students start their education at the age of 7 (1st grade) and finish it at the age of 15 (8th grade). They learn two foreign languages – English and German.

Maria Dąbrowska Primary School takes part in many events, contests, local and UE projects.  Students go to different trips, open-air lessons. We organize two big local festivals – one in September – „Kaźmierska Pyrlandia” and in May – The Dance Festival.  

Our school holds a student’s exchange with Anne-Frank Schule in Molbergen, Germany - 



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